100 Team Building Games & Activities

Need ideas to get your team energised? Maybe team building is just what you need to boost bonding, communication, and productivity. Whether it’s in an office or a remote setting, we’ve put together a list of 100 team building games and activities that will work for any size and any kind of group. From quick icebreakers through full-day challenges, the following activities will help your team come together and have fun while being productive.

Why are Team Building Games so Useful?

Team building games are one of the most powerful means for increasing collaboration and improving communication among team members. They help to bring down barriers, build problem-solving capabilities, and create a more sensitive and supportive work environment. 

By fostering teamwork in a non-threatening and light-hearted atmosphere, these games give employees the opportunity to learn trust and build relationships that will carry over into improved performance and greater job satisfaction. 

Team building games not only make great avenues for identification of leadership qualities, but also help to reveal hidden talents, and allow employees to feel closer to co-workers and the goals of the organisation.

Benefits of Team Building Games

  • Improved Communication: Games that require team interaction will make participants communicate freely and frankly.


  • Better Problem-Solving Ability: Challenges in teams drive creative thinking and solving problems together.


  • Higher Morale: Enjoyable and entertaining activities gives high morale and creates a friendly atmosphere in the team.


  • Better Trust and Cooperation: Shared experiences build trust and mutual support among the team.


  • Higher Productivity: Better interpersonal relationships translate to a smoother workflow.


  • Individual strengths shown: Team games highlight an individual’s potential skills and strengths, this is useful for future tasks and assignments of projects.


  • Stress Relieve: Taking a break from regular work gives employees a time to relax and recharge in order to go back to work with renewed focus.


100 of our Favourite Team Building Games

1.   It’s a Rat Trap! 

Time: 2 hours 

Participants: 12-100 people 

Props Needed: None, giant ‘Mouse Trap’ equipment provided. 

Explanation: Same principles of fun from the board game, participants will work together to build a series of contraptions that trigger chain reaction leading to a one ton weight dropping onto a rat.

Benefits: Working together to achieve the optimum final result. 




2.   Bridge Build

Time: 30 Minutes Max.

Participants: Any

Props Needed: Building Materials (Spaghetti, Marshmallows, Lego etc.)

Explanation: Split the group up into two teams. The aim of the game is to create two halves of a bridge which come together at the end to connect. The challenge is that the teams are separated so they can’t see what the other team is building. Teams can communicate verbally though! If this sounds fun, why not check out our Around The World event which is guaranteed fun for the whole team.

Benefits: Communication

100 Team Building Games


3.   Who Dares Wins

Time: 1-3 Hours

Participants: 12-130

Props Needed: Equipment provided by Team Tactics

Explanation: Who Dares Wins involves a series of physical and mental challenges including puzzles, obstacle courses and tactical scenarios that require strategic planning and quick-decision making. Designed to encourage your team to step out of their comfort zones, push their boundaries, and build strong relationships with their teammates. 

Benefits: Clear Communication, Problem Solving, Teamwork

4.  Russian Doll Challenge

Time: 5 Minutes

Participants: 2+

Props Needed: Russian Doll, Blindfold and timer.

Explanation: Participants take it in turns to take apart and put back together the Russian Doll as fast as possible. One trick, you’re blindfolded whilst doing so. How quick can you do it? This is one of the many exciting challenges which we have in our Around the World event, check it out here. 

Benefits: Quick-thinking and Strategy.

100 Team Building

5.   The Crystal Team Challenge

Time: 2-3 Hours

Participants: 30-500 People

Explanation: Dashing between four zones, teams will compete against each other in a mix of activities that will test participants mentally and physically. 

Benefits: Group Interaction



6.   Always a Positive

Time: 5 Minutes Max.

Participants: 2 Minimum

Props Needed: None

Explanation: Partner A shares a negative experience professionally or personally. Partner B then focuses on the bright side of the situation, highlighting the importance of the positive aspect of what happened.

Benefits: Challenging a negative. 

7.   Treasure Hunts

Time: 2-3 Hours

Participants: 10-500

Props Needed: Equipment, such as iPad Mini Tab per team, provided

Explanation: Create equal number teams and send them out on a treasure hunt of your choice in the city of London. Experience the nation’s great capital around London’s iconic landmarks, celebrate King Charles Coronation with our Royal Quest or enjoy a few drinks with our Pub Pit-stop Challenge. The goal is to return with the most items possible.

Benefits: Team bonding, outdoor fun and initiative.



8.   London Landmark Challenge

Time: 10 Minutes

Participants: Teams of 3

Props Needed: 15 Marshmallows per team and 10 Strands of Spaghetti

Explanation: Please try to resist eating the marshmallows this time. We want to see you build your most iconic London landmarks. Go easy with a marshmallow shard or take the difficult route and create the London Eye. This challenge goes hand in hand with our fantastic Game of Zones event, check it out here.

Benefits: Creativity and Teamwork


9.   Group Juggle

Time: 10 Minutes

Participants: 4+

Props Needed: Any Ball

Explanation: Get the team to stand in a circle. When someone has the ball in their hand, they must say something positive about the co-worker who passed them the ball previously. The question can then change after a round. If this interests you then why not check out our Circus Skills.

Benefits: Quick Thinking and Team Unity 


10.   Lights, Camera, Action

Time: 30 Minutes

Participants: 10+

Props Needed: Pen, Paper, Camera

Explanation: Write down lots of different movie genres on slips of paper and jumble them in a cup. Teams should be divided into 2-3 people. Each team must choose a slip of paper at random. They’ll have to write and shoot a short film that falls under the genre selected, takes place in the office, and uses only props readily available. The best film construction wins! If this is something that you are interested in, then check out our Lights, Camera, Action event on our website. 

Benefits: Teamwork and thinking out of the box. Communication and Self Awareness.


11.   Minefield

Time: 5-10 Minutes

Participants: 2+

Props Needed: Tape, Office Stationery and Blindfold

Explanation: Using tape, mark a route along the floor, with different bends and corners. The aim is to guide one blindfolded participant along the tape without stepping outside of the boundary or stepping on a ‘mine’ (stationery).

Benefits: Trust and Communication. 


12.   Sell Your Desk

Time: 10 Minutes

Participants: 2+

Props Needed: 1 Item from your Desk

Explanation: Get each participant to bring an item from their desk. They must then come up with a name, logo, slogan and marketing plan for their object. The objective of the game is to sell their product. Each participant must then give a two-minute presentation of their product, selling it to the audience.

Benefits: Brainstorming and Problem Solving. 


13.   2 Truths, 1 Lie

Time: 1-2 minutes

Participants: 2+

Props Needed: None

Explanation: Each participant must come up with 3 statements about themselves. 2 must be truthful and 1 a lie. The aim is for the other participants to guess which of the three statements is the lie.

Benefits: Ice Breaker. 


14.   Human Knot

Time: 10 Minutes

Participants: 8+

Props Needed: None

Explanation: Everyone needs to stand shoulder to shoulder in a circle, facing inwards. Participants must then put both their hands in the circle and link up with two different people. The aim of the game is to untangle the knot of arms without letting go from the people they are connected to.

Benefits: Teamwork and Communication.

100 Team Building Games


15.   The Egg Basket

Time: 30 Minutes Max.

Participants: 2 Small Groups

Props Needed: Office Stationery and 2 Eggs

Explanation: Split up into two or more teams and give each team an uncooked egg. Each team has 15 minutes to create a basket which will protect the egg from breaking after being dropped from a distance set out at the beginning. Whichever team looks after their egg the best wins!

Benefits: Problem Solving 


16.   Sheet Ball

Time: 5 Minutes

Participants: 4 Minimum

Props Needed: Bed Sheet and Tennis Balls

Explanation: Give every participant a corner of the sheet which has pre-cut holes in it. Each hole is worth different points. Give the team different mathematical equations to work out and the participants must work together to roll the ball into the required hole.

Benefits: Teamwork and Coordination 


17.   Improved Environment

Time: 10-20 Minutes

Participants: 2+

Props Needed: Pen and Paper

Explanation: Give small teams of 2-4 people an hour to come up with a plan on how they can improve a certain issue around the office or in the community with a small budget.

Benefits: Team Productivity 


18.   House of Cards

Time: 15 Minutes

Participants: Enough for 2+ Teams

Props Needed: Deck of Cards and Scissors

Explanation: Give each team a pack of cards. The aim of the game is for the teams to build the tallest tower with the cards.

Benefits: Teamwork and Competition

100 Team Building Games

19.   Guess The Portrait

Time: 15 Minutes

Participants: 5+

Props Needed: Paper and Pencils

Explanation: Each participant must draw another colleague from their work. When the time is up they must stick their drawings up on the wall. Then the group must guess who the portraits are of. When they are guessed correctly, whoever drew the portrait must explain why they drew it the way they did. 

Benefits: Self Expression 


20.   Improv

Time: 10 Minutes

Participants: 10+

Props Needed: None

Explanation: Split your team into pairs. Each person from the team must put a scenario into the hat. Each pair must then pick a random scenario and act it out for 2 minutes.

Benefits: Improvisation and Collaboration 


21.   Paintballing

Time: A Day

Participants: Any

Props Needed: A Paintball Venue

Explanation: One of the most popular team building events. Go paint balling with the team for something simple…fun.

Benefits: Fun, Teamwork and Leadership


22.   Sheep and Shepherd

Time: 10 Minutes

Participants: 5+

Props Needed: Blindfolds

Explanation: One of the participants will act as the shepherd. The aim of the game is to guide the blindfolded sheep, who are blindfolded throughout (other participants, we don’t recommend real sheep!) into a pen. Make the game harder by placing the sheep around the room in random locations.

Benefits: Verbal Communication and Teamwork 


23.   All Aboard

Time: 5 Minutes

Participants: 5+

Props Needed: Rope/Tape

Explanation: Create a shape on the floor. The team have to fit everybody within the perimeters of the shape. The increase the difficulty, make the shape smaller.

Benefits: Cooperation and Problem Solving 


24.   Human Shapes

Time: 5-10 Minutes

Participants: 10+

Props Needed: None

Explanation: Working together as a team, the group have to use their bodies to form letters and words.

Benefits: Problem Solving 


25.   Human Loop

Time: 5

Participants: 5+

Props Needed: Hula-Hoop

Explanation: The team stand in a circle and hold hands. Start one hula-hoop hanging (or bungee) over one pair of joined hands. Each person in the circle must pass the hoop/loop over him/herself and on to the next person whilst staying connected at all times.

Benefits: Teamwork 


26.   Spiders Web

Time: 15-20 Minutes

Participants: 10+

Props Needed: String

Explanation: Attach string from one side of the room to the other. Then add more lines going across at different angles, creating holes big enough to get a body through. Teams must then pass through the holes, when one hole has been used, it is blocked off. The team may have to lift and pass participants through depending on the size of hole.

Benefits: Problem Solving 


27.   Stranded

Time: 10 Minutes

Participants: 6+

Props Needed: Pen and Paper

Explanation: The scenario: they’ve just been stranded on a desert island and can only bring 10 things. Give them a list of 20 things—10 actually useful things they’d need to survive on the island, plus 10 decoys of things that may seem important, but actually aren’t. Have each team order their list of items chosen and explain why they chose what they did. Whoever’s list matches the Navy lieutenant’s most wins.

Benefits: Critical Thinking


28.   Why is this better than that?

Time: 5+

Participants: 6+

Props Needed: Four or more random objects

Explanation: Pick four or more objects that are different (or the same objects that look different). Split all your participants into even teams. Describe a scenario where each team has to solve a problem using only those objects. This can be anything like “You’re stranded on a desert island.” Have each team rank the objects based on their usefulness in that specific scenario, along with their reasoning.

Benefits: Quick thinking and Imagination


29.   The Perfect Question

Time: 20 Minutes

Participants: 5+ Minutes

Props Needed: None

Explanation: Come up with several scenarios in which a person would be chosen to do something. For example, it might be a new job hire. Ask each team member to come up with only one question! That should be asked of a person that would determine if they were the perfect fit for the scenario. Have each team member write their question down. When all scenarios have been covered, discuss the questions as a group and see what each team member thinks would be the perfect question.

Benefits: Innovation and Critical Thinking 


30.   Shoe Tower

Time: 10+

Participants: Teams of 3-5

Props Needed: Shoes

Explanation: Quick team challenge activity game for young people. Get everyone to take their shoes off. Using the shoes available to their team, they must construct the tallest tower. The team with the tallest tower at the end of the time wins the challenge.

Benefits: Problem Solving and Teamwork 


31.   Trust Circle

Time: 20 Minutes

Participants: 10+

Props Needed: None

Explanation: Ask the group to form a tight inward facing circle. One person is selected and stands in the centre of the circle. They allow themselves to relax, and fall backwards, safe in the knowledge that their team will catch them and then ‘bounce’ them gently round the circle.

Benefits: Trust 


32.   Blind Counting

Time: 10 Minutes

Participants: 5+

Props Needed: None

Explanation: Get the participants into a circle, facing outwards with their backs to each other. The aim of the game is to count up to an agreed number. However, the participants can’t say the number at the same time as another person around the circle. You are not allowed to agree a routine and the order must be random.

Benefits: Fun 


33.  Battle of the Airbands

Time: 20 Minutes

Participants: 10+

Props Needed: Background Music

Explanation: Time to get those air-guitars ready. Divide the teams up into groups of 4 or 5. Assign different band roles such as: singer, guitarist, drummer and others. Go and rehearse your lip-synced song so it’s ready to wow the crowd. Perform your heart out and await to see what the judges give you. Will you be scoring solid 10s?

Benefits: Teamwork and Confidence 


34.   Bears, Cowboys and Ninjas

Time: 5 Minutes

Participants: Multiples of 2

Props Needed: None

Explanation: Similar to the classic ‘rock, paper, scissors’, each participant will chose one of the three poses. Roar like a bear, swing your lasso in the air or jump into your best ninja pose. Bears beat ninjas, ninjas beat cowboys and cowboys shoot bears. Time to get silly.

Benefits: Letting loose


35.   Body Twister

Time: 10 Minutes

Participants: 4+ Minutes

Props Needed: Coloured Stickers

Explanation: Place down the different colour stickers randomly within a 3 metre by 3 metre square. The game master will then instruct the participants to place a body part (foot, hand, knee) on one of the colours. Bodies will begin to interlock and rely on support from the other team mates. The aim of the game is to remain stable as long as possible without falling.

Benefits: Teamwork and trust 


36.   Bridge Time

Time: 10 Minutes

Participants: Teams of 3/4

Props Needed: Lots of Newspaper

Explanation: Time to get creative. The aim of the game is to build the longest bridge possible. It can only have a maximum of four points of contact with the floor at all times. You can allow teams to use other items such as scissors and Sellotape, depending on how difficult you want to make it.

Benefits: Teamwork and Creativity 


37.   Around the campfire

Time: 5+ Minutes

Participants: 3+

Props Needed: Pen and Paper

Explanation: Gather around something in the office and write down topics of conversation (not work related) on pieces of paper. Take it in turns to pick out a subject from the list of everyone’s topics.

Benefits: Diverting the mind away from work


38.   Clap and Click

Time: 5-10 Minutes

Participants: 5+

Props Needed: Post-it notes and Pen

Explanation: On half of the notes draw a ‘0’ and on the others a ‘X’. Randomly shuffle 50 post-it notes in any particular order without the group seeing. The group will then have to perform the sequence together, the 0s being a click and the Xs being a clap. They must click and clap their way through the pile of post-it notes.

Benefits: Group Togetherness


39.   Coat of Arms

Time: 10 Minutes

Participants: Split into teams of 3/4/5.

Props Needed: Coloured Pens and Paper

Explanation: Work together and create a new coat of arms for your company. Unleash your inner Banksy and showcase your artistic side in this challenge. Make sure you incorporate all the different factors within the business, from recent success to the values you possess. Prize for the team with the design.

Benefits: Creativity 


40.   Coloured Rice

Time: 10 Minutes

Participants: 2+

Props Needed: 3 Different Varieties of Rice and Chopsticks

Explanation: Randomly spread the different varieties of rice across a table and place three different cups together in the middle. The aim of the game is to separate the rice into the different cups depending on their colour. The team which completes this in the quickest time wins.

Benefits: Speed and Teamwork


41.   Chinese Whispers

Time: 5 Minutes

Participants: Two teams of 5+

Props Needed: 3/4 pre-made sentences.

Explanation: Line your teams up and whisper an unknown sentence until it gets to the end person. The final person will then write down what they believe to have heard. The team which is closer to the correct order of the words wins.

Benefits: Teamwork and Listening Skills


42.   Newspaper Suit

Time: 5-10 Minutes

Participants: Teams of 3

Props Needed: Lots of newspaper

Explanation: Does your suit need to go to the tailors? Well look no further, this challenge will provide you with a temporary suit. Dress a team member up in the latest news and make sure it’s ready for them to go to lunch in. The team with the most realistic and creative suit wins.

Benefits: Creativity and Teamwork

100 Team Building

43.   Guess the Drink

Time: 5-10 Minutes

Participants: 5

Props Needed: 5-10 Different Drinks

Explanation: Get someone to get between 5-10 different drinks whilst the rest of the participants are blindfolded. The blindfolded participants must then guess what the drinks are and write down what order they tasted them in.

Benefits: Competition 


44.   Country Pictionary

Time: 5+ Minutes

Participants: Teams of 5

Props Needed: Whiteboard, Paper Towel and Board Pen

Explanation: Each participant writes down 5 different objects, places, buildings and values relating to their country. They are then put up against the clock to draw out their 5 objects. The aim is for the other participants to guess what they’re drawing.

Benefits: Quick Thinking 


45.   Pass The Pigs

Time: 10 Minutes

Participants: 4+

Props Needed: Toy Pigs

Explanation: Each turn involves one player throwing two model pigs, each of which has a dot on one side. The player gains or loses points based on the way the pigs land. Each turn lasts until the player throwing either rolls the pigs in a way that wipes out their current turn score, wipes out their total game score, or decides to stop their turn, add their turn score to their total score and pass the pigs to the next player. The winner is the first player to reach a predetermined total score.

Benefits: Team Moral 


46.   Dare Jenga

Time: 15 Minutes

Participants: 3+

Props Needed: Jenga Blocks and Pens

Explanation: Write a dare on each Jenga block and mix them all up randomly. Make the dares adventurous and fun for the other participants to do. These can include; singing, dancing or lip-sync challenges. When a participant pulls out a block they must perform the dare.

Benefits: Confidence 


47.   Roll Your Number

Time: 2 Minutes

Participants: 2+

Props Needed: 3+ Die

Explanation: Everyone choses a number. One person will roll the die and the person closest to the eventual number wins. Add in different rules and die to increase or decrease difficulty.

Benefits: Luck 


48.   Staring Contest

Time: 1-5 Minutes

Participants: 2+

Props Needed: None

Explanation: You know the rules. Don’t be first to blink!

Benefits: Determination 


49.   Try Not To Laugh

Time: 5+ Minutes

Participants: 3+

Props Needed: YouTube Access

Explanation: Type in ‘Try Not To Laugh’ into your search bar and chose whichever video you want. The aim of the game is to resist from laughing or even smiling. Whoever cracks a laugh first loses. Don’t be the first person!

Benefits: Team Fun


50.   Time to Survive

Time: 20 Minutes

Participants: 5+

Props Needed: Office Items (Chairs, Desks etc.) and Blindfolds

Explanation: In your group you need to elect a leader, everyone else will be blindfolded. The job of the leader is to get their team to create a shelter good enough for all of you to sleep in for one night (doesn’t have to be done, don’t worry). The leader must describe how the shelter is to be built with the other participants carrying out the instructions given to them.

Benefits: Communication and Listening


51.   Tie the Knot

Time: 5 minutes

Participants: 2+

Props Needed: Small Lengths of Rope.

Explanation: No proposals needed in this challenge. Time to test your hands at knot tying. You can challenge other participants in the ultimate contest. Race against the clock to complete a selection of knots chosen by the group before the challenge.

Benefits: Competition and Problem Solving

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52.   3 of a Kind

Time: 1 Hour

Participants: Multiples of 3

Props Needed: Blindfolds

Explanation: All three members hold hands and the person in the middle is blindfolded. All the members’ feet are tied together, creating a four-legged effect. The aim of the game is for the outside members to guide the person in the middle across the room from Point A to Point B which can be pre-arranged.

Benefits: Communication and Leadership 


53.   Cat, Cat, Dog

Time: 5 Minutes

Participants: 6+

Props Needed: None

Explanation: Drawing on the classic ‘Duck Duck Goose,’ this game will get your team moving quicker than the mad rush for lunch. Get everyone sat in a circle and one person is the dog. They tap on everyone’s back as they walk around the circle. When they’re ready they’ll bark like a dog and whoever’s back is tapped last must race them around the circle, in the opposite direction. Whoever gets back to the space in the circle first becomes a cat in the circle.

Benefits: Bonding and Quick Thinking 


54.   Paper Aeroplane Challenge

Time: 10 Minutes

Participants: 2+

Props Needed: Paper

Explanation: Throwback to the school playground. Design your aeroplane and test out the wind before sending your plane into battle. Awards for longest flight time, furthest distance travelled and of course, the wooden spoon.

Benefits: Design and Problem Solving 


55.   Gnome Dome

Time: 15 Minutes

Participants: Teams of 2

Props Needed: Gumdrops and Toothpicks

Explanation: Only using 20 gumdrops and 10 toothpicks, teams must build a dome for a garden gnome. The aim is to create the most suitable house with points being awarded for creativity.

Benefits: Problem Solving and Creativity 


56.  Zombie Escape Room

Time: 20 Minutes

Participants: 10+

Props Needed: Rope and Various Quizzes

Explanation: One team member is tied on the other side of the room. Every minute their rope is lengthened and they get closer and closer to your group. The team must complete a series of puzzles or clues to unlock the door before the zombie catches the group.

Benefits: Problem Solving and Working under Pressure


57.   Trust Fall

Time: 2 Minutes

Participants: 2+

Props Needed: None

Explanation: Both participants face the same way, one in front of the other. The person in front then must cross the arms and fall backwards. The aim is for the person in front to trust the person behind to catch them. You can make the gap smaller or larger depending on how much trust both participants have.

Benefits: Trust 


58.   Fallen Willow Tree

Time: 5 Minutes

Participants: 6+

Props Needed: None

Explanation: Similar to the trust fall. This requires one participant to stand in the middle with the other participants forming a circle within touching distance of the person in the middle (The Willow). The willow will then fall in random directions and be pushed around by the outside members. 

Benefits: Trust 


59.   Who are you?

Time: 10 Minutes

Participants: 5+

Props Needed: None

Explanation: Everyone sits in a circle and the team leader asks questions relating to the group. Then each person will then answer the question in turn. Your participants might find new areas of commonality or simply get to know each other better.

Benefits: Group Integration 


60.   Group Juggle

Time: 5 minutes

Participants: 10+

Props Needed: Any type of Balls (One per team member (Tennis, Ping Pong, Squash etc.))

Explanation: Line your teams up and the groups have to pass the balls between themselves in a juggling motion. The team which can juggle all the balls the fastest wins.

Benefits: Team Collaboration 


61.   What’s your Name?

Time: 5 Minutes

Participants: 5+

Props Needed: Tennis Balls

Explanation: This icebreaker challenge is a great way for groups to learn the names of members in their team. Line the group up, half on one side and the other half facing them. The first person must then throw the ball to someone whilst trying to remember their name. If they guess correctly they carry on, if wrong they start again and change the order of the participants.

Benefits: Icebreaker 


62.   Turning the Sheet

Time: 10 Minutes

Participants: 5+

Props Needed: Large Sheet

Explanation: This challenge is far more difficult than it sounds, trust us! The group must find a way to pick up a sheet and turn it over. However, the participants are not allowed to step off the sheet or carry anyone on the sheet. Good luck!

Benefits: Problem Solving 


63.   Trivia

Time: 10 Minutes

Participants: 5+

Props Needed: Pens, Paper, Markers

Explanation: You can use games such as Trivial Pursuit™ or other online quizzes as an ice breaker for your team. You can either make this an individual contest or form teams to compete against each other.

Benefits: Teamwork and Competition 


64.   Toxic Disposal

Time: 20 Minutes

Participants: 5+

Props Needed: Rope, Bucket and Water

Explanation: Participants have to dispose the toxic waste (we suggest water) using only the rope. Set up an obstacle course for your teams to manoeuvre their waste from the start to the end. 

Benefits: Teamwork and Leadership 


65.   Through the Tire

Time: 15 Minutes

Participants: 5+

Props Needed: Tire, Tree and Rope

Explanation: Tie the tire from the top of the tree and make sure it dangles waist high from the ground. The aim of the game is to get every member of the team through the tire in the quickest and safest possible way.

Benefits: Problem Solving and Teamwork 


66.   Flip to Take Away

Time: 10 Minutes

Participants: Teams of 4+

Props Needed: 15 Coins

Explanation: In this game it’ll be battle of the lucky flip. Place all the coins in the middle and flip one of them to see who starts. The team who begins then flips the coin and calls heads or tails. The winner then takes two coins, keeps one and then uses the other to flip for the second round. The winner of the game will be the team which has the most coins at the end.

Benefits: Luck… 


67.   Paper Tower

Time: 5 Minutes

Participants: 5+

Props Needed: Paper

Explanation: Time to build your tower. Either in teams or individually, create the tallest and most robust sculpture to win this task. After the towers are built, bring all the teams together to figure out which method was best and why.

Benefits: Reflection 


68.   Guess Who

Time: 5 Minutes

Participants: 3+

Props Needed: Paper and Pens

Explanation: One person will have a famous person’s name on a piece of paper placed on their forehead. The person with the name must then ask Yes or No questions to try and figure out which celebrity they have on their head.

Benefits: Puzzle Solving 


69.   Stand Up Numbers

Time: 10 Minutes

Participants: 10+

Props Needed: None

Explanation: The aim of the game is to get everyone to stand up and say a number until no one else is left to say one. However, you can’t predetermine what numbers each person will say and you can’t communicate during the game. One person will stand up at a time and if two people stand up to say the same number you have to start again.

Benefits: Decision Making 


70.   Around the World

Time: 20 Minutes

Participants: 6+

Props Needed: None

Explanation: The aim of the game is to work out the rule. Each participant starts by saying “I’m going around the world in 80 days and I’ll start at…Australia” (example). The next person would say the same, start with Australia and then say another country, such as Romania. The rule is that the countries need to fit in with AROUND THE WORLD… For example, Australia, Romania, Oman, Uganda etc. If they get it wrong, it carries on to the next person. Whoever gets the game wrong the most loses.

Benefits: Problem Solving 



71.   Take Your Loo Roll

Time: 10 Minutes

Participants: 5+

Props Needed: Loo Roll

Explanation: Get everyone to sit in a circle and pass around the toilet paper. Simply tell them to ‘take as much as you need.’ When each person has their pieces of loo roll ask them to count them up. For each piece of loo roll taken, they have to tell as many truths or facts about themselves.

Benefits: Ice Breaker 


72.   Human Knot

Time: 10 Minutes

Participants: 5+

Props Needed: None

Explanation: Get everyone facing each other in a circle. They then must grab the hand of someone opposite them, no one directly next to them. Then with the other hand, they must do the same but not with the same person. Giving the group a time limit, they have to escape the knot and become untangled.

Benefits: Collaboration Skills

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73.   Find your mate

Time: 15 Minutes

Participants: 10+

Props Needed: Paper and Pens

Explanation: This task is done anonymously. Every participant should answer 10 questions about themselves which are set out before the tasks begin. Questions such as ‘Where did you grow up?’ Then the papers are mixed up in a pile and the group has to guess which member of their team is described by the answers to the questions.

Benefits: Team Integration 


74.   Lego House

Time: 15 Minutes

Participants: 5+

Props Needed: Lego

Explanation: Split the group up into teams. They must then go back in time and reconnect with their younger selves in this Lego Challenge. Teams must create the perfect Lego house within the time limit.

Benefits: Creativity

100 Team Building Games

75.   The Ideal Time Line

Time: 15 Minutes

Participants: 5+

Props Needed: Paper and Pens

Explanation: Each participant must write down in order their most important life highlights, starting with birth all the way to the current day. The team will then come together and give a brief overview of their highlights. At the end the group must agree the ‘ideal’ life time line, using different highlights from every person within the group.

Benefits: Ice Breaker


 76.   The Floor is Lava

Time: 15 Minutes

Participants: 3+

Props Needed: Office Desks or Couches etc.

Explanation: Possibly our favourite activity. Participants can not touch the floor or they will be burnt. Set them challenges to do as they make their way around the room without touching the floor. Take a jump over the lava to ensure safety from one area to another.

Benefits: Teamwork 


77.   Mural Making

Time: 20 Minutes

Participants: 10+

Props Needed: Paper, Paint, Brushes

Explanation: Time to get creative with your work murals. Design your painting and fill your paper full of colour. When everyone has finished their masterpieces, tape them all together and bring your creation to life.

Benefits: Creativity 


78.   Tug of War

Time: 10 Minutes

Participants: 10+

Props Needed: Rope

Explanation: The old fashioned tug of war can create a competitive but fun atmosphere. Split the group into teams and get pulling.

Benefits: Fun Competition

100 Team Building

79.   Guess that Song

Time: 10 Minutes

Participants: 5+

Props Needed: Music Player

Explanation: One member of the team will play songs at random and the other member of the group will be listening. The aim of the game is to be the first person to guess the title of the song and the artist.

Benefits: Quick Thinking and Fun 


80.   Singing High

Time: 5 Minutes

Participants: 4+

Props Needed: Balloons and Helium

Explanation: Time to rehearse the lyrics of your favourite song. Participants will need to fill a balloon with helium and then give their best rendition of their favourite songs. The other members of the group will then need to guess the song title and artist name.

Benefits: Quick Thinking and Confidence 


81.   Office Hockey

Time: 20 Minutes

Participants: 10+

Props Needed: Newspapers, Balloons and Chairs

Explanation: Goals=Chairs. Hockey Sticks= Rolled up newspapers. Balls= Balloons. Split the group up into two teams and number each team member from 1-10. The referee will then call out a selection of numbers such as 1 and 3, who will then both go into the centre, pick up a stick and then try to score against the opposition. When they have scored, change the numbers up.

Benefits: Fun and Teamwork 


82.   Name That Movie

Time: 10 Minutes

Participants: 5+

Props Needed: None

Explanation: Similar to guess the song, participants will say and/or act out their favourite lines from a movie. The aim is for the other members of the group to guess what movie it’s from.

Benefits: Confidence 


83.   Tennis Ball Legs

Time: 10 minutes

Participants: Two Teams of Equal Numbers

Props Needed: Tennis Balls (One per team)

Explanation: It’s time for a race around the office. In turn, one member from each team will race their way around the office trying to be faster than the opposition. However, the participant must have a tennis ball between their legs at all times. When they have finished their lap, they must pass it onto their team mate before they start their lap. Whichever team gets all their members around the course first wins.

Benefits: Teamwork 


84.   Guess your Co-worker

Time: 10 Minutes

Participants: 10+

Props Needed: Paper and Pens

Explanation: Similar to guess the celebrity, it’s time to guess which co-worker you have stuck to your head. Write every co-workers name on pieces of paper into a hat and then one person will pick out a name and place it on their forehead. The contestant then has to ask yes or no questions to work out which co-worker they have.

Benefits: Problem Solving 


85.   Blow Ball

Time: 5 Minutes

Participants: 2+

Props Needed: Straws, Paper and Tables

Explanation: One team member at either end of the table try to blow their scrunched up piece of paper off the end of the table. The team which blows the paper ball off the end of the table of the opposition wins.

Benefits: Teamwork 


86.   Water Pencil

Time: 2+ Minutes

Participants: 2+

Props Needed: Pencil, String and Water Bottle

Explanation: Tie one end of the string around your waist and the other around the rubber at the end of the pencil. Teams must battle it out to try and drop their pencil into the water bottle in the fastest time possible.

Benefits: Co-ordination 


87.   Online Personality

Time: 10 Minutes

Participants: 2+

Props Needed: Online Personality Quiz

Explanation: This simple team building exercise allows co-workers to understand more about each other’s personality. By doing an online personality quiz, you can find out how members of your group work best.

Benefits: Understanding 


88.   Pipeline Marbles

Time: 20 Minutes

Participants: 10+

Props Needed: Halfpipe and Marble

Explanation: The group must guide a marble from a high height down to the ground only using the pipeline. The pipe can only be supported by the hands of the participants and can’t rest on any objects.

Benefits: Communication 


89.   Helicopter Crash

Time: 10 Minutes

Participants: 5+

Props Needed: None

Explanation: Time to pretend your team has crashed a helicopter on a desert island. They are only allowed to take 5 items with them from their immediate surroundings. Each member of the team must identify what they would take and why.

Benefits: Problem Solving 


90.   Poker Tower

Time: 15 Minutes

Participants: 4+

Props Needed: Poker Chips

Explanation: Get your team to construct the tallest tower made from poker chips within a time limit. The team with the tallest tower (which stands without help) wins.

Benefits: Teamwork and Problem Solving

100 Team Building Games

91.   Pay Attention

Time: 10 Minutes

Participants: 5+

Props Needed: YouTube

Explanation: Play a sports compilation on YouTube and get the group to pay attention to all detail. They can take notes and use them at the end. When the video is finished, ask them question relating to what happened. For example, how many tennis balls were there in the whole video etc.

Benefits: Quick Thinking and Awareness 


92.   Office Leader Says

Time: 10 Minutes

Participants: 5+

Props Needed: None

Explanation: Throwback to Primary School. This game of Simon Says will get the whole office moving to the command of one person. Whoever is in charge must list a variety of movements for the team to do. For example, “office leader says hands on your head.” However, if they don’t start the movement with “office leader says” and the group continues to do that movement, they are out!

Benefits: Quick Thinking 


93.   Simple Mingle

Time: 3 Minutes

Participants: 3+

Props Needed: None

Explanation: Before a meeting, get the team to move around the room and mention 1 point that they would like to speak about during the meeting. This prepares other group members to be ready for what will come up during the meeting.

Benefits: Practicality


94.   What’s that face?

Time: 5 Minutes

Participants: 5+

Props Needed: None

Explanation: Give your team a list of expressions. One at a time each person has to try and show as many of the expressions on their face within the time limit. Whoever has the most expressions guessed by the group wins.

Benefits: Fun 


95.   Trust Walk

Time: 10 Minutes

Participants: 5+

Props Needed: Blindfolds

Explanation: One person is the leader, who can see everything. The rest of the group are blindfolded. The aim is for the blindfolded members to trust the leader at the front of the line to take them around the office, avoiding obstacles.

Benefits: Trust 


96.   Everyone’s Story

Time: 20 Minutes

Participants: 5+

Props Needed: Whiteboard, Paper and Pens

Explanation: This challenge requires the group to be split into teams. Each team will then go away and create a children’s story. At the end of the time limit, both teams will come together and read their story to the other team. Whichever team receives the most votes for the best story wins.

Benefits: Creativity 


97.   Stuck In The Mud

Time: 20 Minutes

Participants: 15+

Props Needed: Large Space

Explanation: Another throw-back to the school playground days. 2 people are the taggers and when they catch someone they have to stand still with their legs open. Other participants can then crawl through the legs to unfreeze the caught players. Whichever team has the most members caught frozen at the end of the time limit wins.

Benefits: Teamwork 


98.   Office Hunt

Time: 20 Minutes

Participants: 5+

Props Needed: Paper and Pens

Explanation: Write down a list of items, either in the office or out, for the group to find. This challenge can either be individual or incorporate teamwork skills by splitting the group into teams.

Benefits: Teamwork 


99. Just a Minute

Time: 5 Minutes

Participants: 3+

Props Needed: Stopwatch

Explanation: Each performer is given a minute on the timer. They have to talk about a specific topic without: hesitation, repetition or going off topic. The aim is for the other contestants to try and catch them out.

Benefits: Quick Thinking and Listening


100.   The Perfect Square

Time: Unlimited

Participants: Minimum 4

Props Needed: Rope and Blindfolds

Explanation: Everyone in the team must sit down and place their blindfold over their eyes. The team must then try to form the perfect square with the rope. To add another dimension, instruct certain team members to not speak.

Benefits: Communication and Self Awareness


Plan your Next Team Building Games & Activities with Team Tactics

We hope this list of 100 team-building games has sparked some inspiration for your next team event! Remember, building a strong, cohesive team is key to achieving success in any organisation. If you want to plan your next team building games and activities, or you’re looking for expert-led team-building activities in London, feel free to contact Team Tactics for customised experiences that will bring your team closer than ever.

Get in touch with us and book your next unusual team-building games and activities today.


Why are team-building activities important?

Team-building activities improve communication, foster trust, and encourage problem-solving. They strengthen team dynamics, increase productivity, and boost morale.

How often should we organise team-building activities?

Aim to conduct these activities quarterly or twice a year to continuously enhance team cooperation, engagement, and performance.

Can team-building be done virtually?

Yes! Virtual team-building games, such as online quizzes, virtual escape rooms, and collaborative projects, are excellent for engaging remote teams.

What are some good icebreaker games for new teams?

Games like “2 Truths, 1 Lie,” “Human Knot,” and “Who Are You?” are great for breaking the ice and helping team members get comfortable with each other.

How long should a team-building activity last?

Activities can range from 10 minutes to a few hours. Short games work well for warm-ups, while longer sessions are ideal for deeper team bonding experiences.